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About MBA Threads

Twitter is an amazing place to learn about business. There's no other educational resource, online or through a university, where one can learn first-hand from world experts, engage with them, ask them questions, and even send them memes (they seem to really love ones about the restaurant chain Chili's, for some reason).
But there are two problems that limit Twitter's potential as a platform for becoming a business expert:
πŸ€” For readers, it's incredibly difficult to find the countless threads that have been written about many valuable topics, from leadership to strategy to financial modeling.
πŸ€” For writers, it's frustrating to spend hours writing a thread, only for no one to ever revisit it after 48 hours.
βœ… We address the challenge for readers through our topic pages, which contain all threads with a certain tag. Want to see threads about FTX? Done. Business ethics? Got you right here, fam.
βœ… We solve the problem for writers through our author pages, which contain all of your threads (in addition to links to all of your social pages!).
I'm Robert Sterling. I started MBA Threads in a modest attempt to address these two issues (and because I laughably thought I could build all this in one weekend, not the three months it's actually taken). I hope this platform helps you learn as much as I've been able to from the incredible threads others have shared.